Fool Heart Craft of Clown - Noisily Festival

Fool Heart Craft of Clown

Afa Simpson

Over the course of the festival Afa of Fool Heart is offering a portal into the world of Clown and Fool as you have never known it. This often misunderstood art-form is a doorway into the lands of free play and expression, an alchemical dance into the lightness of being, of frolicking into connection. Expect the unexpected and let curiosity be your guide. 

Afa has been practicing clowning for 8 years, studying under the pedagogy of ‘Clownlife’ with Zuma Puma for 5 and many other revered practitioners. She performs ritualistic psychomagic clown and fooling acts and believes in the power of clown and fool to subvert power and catalyse growth and change. Her research into clown has taken many forms, using film, live performance, sculpture and academic study into the rich history of the art-form.

You can find out more about her work at

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