Transformational Festivals For Well-being: How To Make The Most Out Of Your Experience - Noisily Festival

Transformational Festivals For Well-being: How To Make The Most Out Of Your Experience

Iriyana Mosina

Ideally festivals are a manifestation of an aspiration to create a loving compassionate environment as a glimpse of what is possible for us on a bigger scale. Being Microcosms of a Macrocosm of a thriving society, promoting rich human experiences, filled with art and freedom to experiment with one’s states of consciousness, they offer the participants an intensified journey. In the same time they are merely the containers with the potential to become a space for healing and personal growth or a gateway into traumatising experiences or even physical or mental health issues. In this talk Iryana (a researcher in the field of consciousness exploration in recreational settings) will explore the bright and the shadow sides of these experiences with the pragmatic focus on ideas and strategies on how to make the most out of one’s experience.

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