Mind Body Soul | We Are Change % Noisily Festival %

Mind Body Soul | We Are Change

As we weave together the many threads for Mind Body Soul 2024, we are yet again spoilt for choice with so many wonderful applications; thank you all! This year we celebrate change, as both a surrender into cycle & flow, & a call to action; a remembering of our agency & power. Sharing the full theme below in anticipation for the magic, connection & many seeds of inspiration that await us in the woods – 


As the world evolves at pace around us, often in ways that feel out of our integrity & control, we can forget that we are part of this change; that it is our united constant & that we have agency in creating the present & future we want to be part of.

The smallest pebble ripples through a lake; dandelion seeds release in the breeze to settle far & wide: mama nature’s reminder of the power we hold in being & creating change. Life offers ever-evolving cycles of opportunity, growth & connection; sparking love, learnings, unlearnings & adventure. Rooted in our bodies & within our beautiful Earth’s ecosystem, the smallest whispers dance through this web of love & life. Our breath & action give them fire: we are at once accountable for ourselves & part of something so much greater, the infinite spirals of the universe. 

But are they? Humankind has long reached crisis point on Earth: toxic, extractive systems & behaviour still prevail. It is time to be the change we want to see: to feel & honour the cycles of life we all form part of & perpetuate; to be in our integrity within this incredible living web, as interconnected equals rather than hierarchical oppressors.

This year at Noisily we celebrate change: its courage, commitment, gifts & invitations. We come together in our beautiful, growing community to empower each other, connecting our hearts through music, movement, creativity, ceremony, ritual, discussion, exploration & so much more. We commit to being open & curious, & to sharing these transformative experiences into our outside world; taking ownership of our ripples & calling in our tribes. Together we reclaim change as a state of being, from which all is birthed; we remember our power. 

We are change. 

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