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Terms and Conditions of Entry

Noisily Festival

Terms & Conditions of Entry

Please read all the information below carefully. Attendance at Noisily Festival and being in possession of a Noisily ticket constitutes your acceptance to these terms and conditions. We may amend these Terms & Conditions from time to time.

In addition, we may announce certain notices or terms on our website or directly to you (usually via email), which may supersede these terms and conditions. It is your responsibility to check our website regularly and keep yourself informed of the terms and conditions of entry.


Kaboodle, Ticketmaster and Skiddle are our sole ticket and resale agents. No other organisation / person is authorised to sell or resell tickets. Tickets will not be valid unless purchased from Kaboodle, Ticketmaster or Skiddle. Purchasing tickets from Kaboodle, Ticketmaster and Skiddle is subject to each seller’s purchase policy and terms & conditions.

All tickets to the Festival are sold as personal and revocable licences on behalf of Noisily Festival. Noisily reserves the right to change all, or any, arrangements concerning the event without notice, nor with any obligation whatsoever to refund.

In the event of any breach of these terms & conditions, Noisily, its staff and official agents reserve the right to cancel tickets, refuse admission, confiscate offending/banned items, and/or to evict the ticket holder, and to retain any monies paid for the relevant ticket.

If you have obtained your ticket in breach of these Terms & Conditions and/or if you breach any of these Terms & Conditions, your ticket and wristband shall be void.

If you seek to gain entry to Noisily using a void ticket, we reserve the right to refuse you entry and to evict you from the site.

Void tickets will not be refunded.


Tickets will be exchanged for a wristband on first entry at the Gate. Ticket-holders are responsible for their ticket until it is exchanged for a valid wristband and then they are responsible for their wristband for the full duration of the Festival. Only wristbands issued by Noisily Festival in exchange for a valid ticket are valid for entry.

Wristbands are strictly non-transferable and will be invalid if removed, tampered with, transferred or resold. Wristbands must be worn at all times for the duration of the Festival.

Wristbands must be secure, with the clasp properly fastened when first affixed.

Wristbands must not be tampered with, including not tying knots nor adding anything to it.


Entry to Noisily Festival is strictly for over 18 year olds. Under 18’s, even accompanied, are not permitted to attend the event. We operate a Challenge 25 policy throughout the site. All ticket holders must cooperate with requests of Noisily staff and its agents to fulfil our Challenge 25 commitments. All ticket holders must bring a valid form of ID to the Festival.


The following items may not be brought into the site:

●      Alcohol in quantities exceeding those permitted upon entry: 8 cans of cider, beer or mixers, or up to 2 bottles of wine. No glass may be brought to site so alcohol brought to site must be decanted in non-glass containers. Glass bottles will be confiscated and not returned.

●      Illegal drugs including, but not limited to, “legal” highs, research chemicals, NPS, poppers, nitrous oxide and prescription drugs in excessive quantities / without a valid prescription.

●      All gas canisters of any size, including nitrous oxide

●      Any goods for unauthorised / unofficial trading

●      Any items which may reasonably be considered for use as a weapon

●      Camping stoves

●      Chinese lanterns

●      Drones

●      Disposable charcoal barbecues

●      Fireworks and Flares

●      Glass

●      Generators

●      Paint, spray paint canisters and marker pens

●      Sound systems (other than small portable speakers), loud hailers. ● National flags

Prohibited items will be confiscated and may not be returned.


Noisily Festival reserves the right to evict customers without refund, and/or refuse admission where the Eviction Policy is breached (see below*).

You may be body or bag searched anywhere on site at any time by security. Vehicles, including live-in vehicles may be searched upon entry or at any time during the event. Searching is a condition of entry.

Any item(s),which may reasonably be considered to be used as a weapon, which may cause danger, offence or disruption to any other person, will be confiscated and not returned.

Any person carrying illegal items or carrying out illegal activity may be handed over to the Police, refused entry or evicted from the site without a refund.


Noisily has a zero tolerance policy to drugs. Noisily will have searches on arrival to the festival. Should you be found with either a controlled substance or legal high at the point of entry or anywhere on the festival site, you will be denied entry and possibly handed over to the Police.

Noisily provides amnesty boxes at the entrance of the festival, should you wish to safely and legally dispose of any prohibited items before you enter the festival.


Artists and other programmed activities are subject to change.

Smoking is prohibited in all enclosed structures.

Ticket holders must comply with instructions provided by festival security, stewards and site management.

Bonfires, barbecues and gas stoves are not permitted anywhere onsite.

Attendees must remain within the festival site and not go wandering around the estate, all areas bordering the site are private property and out of the festival’s boundaries.

Special effects such as strobe lighting, pyrotechnics, lasers, smoke machines are operated on all stages.

No animals are allowed on site other than registered guide and assistance dogs upon presentation of valid registration certificates. Farm animals around the site must be left alone at all times. Any person interfering with them will face eviction.

The festival gate opening times are published on the Noisily website. Ticket holders are responsible for ensuring they make themselves aware of them. Ticket holders will not be admitted onsite outside the gate opening times.

Noisily cannot accept responsibility for damages or theft of personal property; other than as a result of the Festival’s negligence.

Official Noisily photographers and videographers will be capturing images and video recordings throughout the Festival. It is a condition of entry that all ticket holders consent to being included in any visual or audio promotional material of the festival.

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) will be in operation at Noisily Festival. It is a condition of entry that all ticket holders consent to being filmed for security and safety purposes.

All personal data collected by Noisily Festival will be treated in accordance with GDPR Regulations. Noisily will not release any data to third parties, unless legally compelled to do so (such as for coronavirus Track & Trace purposes). Noisily may contact you regarding matters related to the


COVID-19 and other contagious diseases

Noisily puts the safety and well-being of attendees and staff at the forefront of the festival. We will take reasonable steps to comply with government requirements and all relevant guidelines intended to reduce the spread of contagious diseases (including COVID-19) and we will make you aware of these measures and any changes we make to them. However, it is your responsibility to check for updates to these terms and conditions.

You understand that there are particular risks associated with attending outdoor gatherings such as Noisily Festival. We cannot be responsible for the behaviour or health of other attendees and cannot effectively ensure that no attendee at the Festival will carry a contagious disease such as COVID-19. Accordingly, we will not be responsible if you catch a contagious disease (such as COVID-19) at the Festival. You understand and accept that you will be attending the Festival and using facilities on-site at your own risk.



Any person who disrupts the festival under any of the below sections will leave themselves liable for eviction from site. The decision as to the eviction will be at the discretion of the Security Manager, following consultation with the festival management. Persons will be liable for eviction under the following circumstances:

a)  Entering or being onsite without a ticket or valid pass or wristband

b)  Unacceptable, disruptive or anti-social behaviour*

c)  Having been arrested or cautioned in connection with a criminal offence, pending or post hand-over to the Police

*Unacceptable behaviour that can lead to eviction without refund includes:

●      Illegal activity

●      Breaching these terms and conditions of entry

●      Refusing to submit to a search upon entry to the site

●      Climbing barriers, fencing, walls surrounding the campsites and/or arena, or any other site infrastructure

●      Trespassing on nearby properties that are out-of-bound from the Festival site

●      Offensive, aggressive, discriminatory behaviour

●      Encouraging others to behave badly by incitement

●      Preventing festival security and/or emergency services intervening to a situation

●      Building bonfires

●      Any action disrupting the festival programming

●      Damage to trees or any other natural features of the site

●      Committing a criminal offence

●      In possession of unlawful drugs

●      Unofficially selling alcohol, tobacco, counterfeit or any unauthorised goods

●      Any other behaviour that leaves the premises licence holder open to prosecution or is not conducive to maintaining a safe event.


Any person being evicted from site will first be taken to the Security Tent. They will be interviewed by the Security Manager or Deputy. A report will be filled containing their name, address, date and time and reasons for eviction.

Persons who are being evicted will need to contact a friend or member of their group to collect their belongings as they will not be allowed to re-enter the site. Noisily Festival will not be responsible for ensuring that they leave the site with their belongings.

All evictees will be evicted from site via the Main Gate and their wristbands will be removed to prevent them re-entering the festival.